Children & Youth

Children & Youth Ministry

…is a vision and means of action for implementing a comprehensive approach of Christian ministry to the families and youth of The Village Chapel and Pinehurst community. Our goal is Christian discipleship from Birth to Adulthood/Parenthood and all the stages of growth and development in between.

Youth Events and Info

“Birthday Party for Jesus”

There will be a “Birthday Party for Jesus" this Sunday during Sunday school. We will be making crafts and a visitor from the North Pole may make a stop in to say hello. We would love to have all our children present for this special occasion.The Youth will be...

Services and Sunday School

The Family Service
Sundays 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.

The Village Chapel Family Service, at 9:30 a.m. Sundays, includes Pastor Vickie Smith’s childrens’ sermon. Children are invited to gather on the Chancel steps to hear scripture-based stories, answer questions, share their thoughts, read from the Bible and close in prayer. 

Hearing children lead the congregation in prayer always is a moving experience for their parents and fellow worshippers. 

Sunday School For Children & Youth 9:45

Nursery to grade 12. Our Children’s and Youth Sunday School ministry begins in our 9:30 a.m. service then releases to small group bible studies and activities.

Nursery (Newborn to pre-K)

Available at all three worship services.

Children's Choir: Sundays During Fall and Spring Semesters

Children ages Kindergarten to 5th Grade participate in our weekly Children’s Choir led by Deb Holden. The Children perform at multiple services throughout the year as well as in the community.

Youth Group Ministry

Sunday evenings

Our grades 6-12 youth meet Sunday afternoons 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. (except the first Sunday of every month) in Heritage Hall.

Rev. Vickie Smith leads our Chapel’s youth in Biblical studies, discipleship, followed by hang-out time and dinner.

Activities and Events

Wyldlife/Younglife of the Sandhills
(Fall and Spring semesters)

Village Chapel youth will be participating in the weekly and monthly ministries at Sandhills Children’s Center. Please check the weekly bulletin for dates and times.

 → Explore YoungLife

VBS 2023 Memories

Fuge Camp 2022 Memories

TVC Youth Enjoy a Day at the ZOO!!

Fellowship and Fun! TVC Family and Youth

FUGECAMP 2021! Good Times