The Village Chapel exists to worship God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Together, the Trinity are “worshiped and glorified,” as we, and Christians throughout history, profess in the Nicene Creed. Therefore, we assemble together as a community of worshipers to give God our praise and thanksgiving, and to exalt His name in The Village of Pinehurst and Moore County.

Service of Holy Eucharist
8:00 a.m.
Liturgically based service with homily and Holy Communion in the Anglican tradition using the 1928 Book of Common Prayer.

Family Service with Children’s Sermon
9:30 a.m.
Centered on a practical adult message from God’s Word as well as a Children’s Sermon, with praise through anthems and hymns. The Lord’s Supper is served the first Sunday of each month. Children and youth are invited to participate with their families.

Traditional Worship
11:00 a.m.
Includes choir procession and pastoral robes, and is complemented by the choir, organ, and congregational singing. Holy Communion is served the first Sunday of each month.
Choir and Music Ministries
Music has played a vital role in the life of The Village Chapel since its founding in 1898. Through a strong foundation set by Theodore Keller, John Shannon led the music program for thirty years, leaving a legacy that will be carried on for generations.
Our current Director of Music, Stephen Gourley, has faithfully upheld the standard of music and broadened the scope of talented individuals who perform at our services.
We are called to become learners of Christ. Jesus said in the Gospel of Matthew, to learn from Him (Matthew 11:29), and He commissioned us to teach people about Him (Matthew 28:20). Christian living is Christian learning. As Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said, “Christianity without discipleship, is Christianity without Christ.”
Children and Youth
Sunday school - 9:45 am
Nursery to Grade 12- Sunday school, bible studies and activities.
Youth Group - Sundays at 5:00 pm
Join us for food, fun and fellowship!
Camps and Retreats
Camps and retreats – for spiritual development and growth

Adult Christian Education
Looking for ways to grow in your walk with the Lord? The Village Chapel offers several classes and studies to help navigate your spiritual path. From Sunday school to group studies of the Bible and other Christian literature. There’s something here for you.
Current Classes and Studies

Defending Your Faith
Pastor Trey and Ken Dickson lead a class on how to defend your Christian faith in a rapidly changing world. This course is designed to help you discuss your faith with friends and family, and how to defend it against common objections.

Through The Bible
Pastor Ashley leads a discussion Through the Bible covering selected daily scripture readings – organized by date – and then discuss the readings when we meet. The daily readings are about a fifteen-minute commitment. Classes wre the FIRST WEDNESDAY of the month. We begin at 4:30 p.m. in Heritage Hall. OPEN to everyone.
We are called to be servants—to serve God and to serve one another. Jesus said that He “did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:28) We are not to be “hearers” of the Word only, but “doers.” (James 1:22) Following the Lord’s example of sacrificial service, we too are to live sacrificially in our service to God, His Church, and others.

Outreach Programs
The Village Chapel supports a variety of Missions serving those in need both here in Pinehurst and around the world. Talents, knowledge, participation and donations are always welcome.
Service Opportunities
We are always looking for members who can help out in various ways. From ushering and altar guild duties to greeters and readers. Here’s where you can use your talents to help us grow.

Who We Are
Our History
The Village Chapel is an outgrowth of the “Pinehurst Religious Association,” dating back to the early days of Pinehurst’s founding. The first Interdenominational worship service was held in 1898. James Walker Tufts, founder of Pinehurst, invited personal friend Dr. Edward Everett Hale from Boston to be the first minister. Both Hale and Tufts envisioned a community where people of all backgrounds could live and worship in Christian love.

Meet the Pastors
Our Pastoral Team at The Village Chapel is led by (left to right) Senior Pastor, Ashley Smith, Youth Pastor, Vickie Smith, Associate Pastor, Trey Majure
Mission Statement
As an independent, interdenominational Church, we unify all Christians through the Word of God, worship God in spirit and truth; teach and encourage the Christian faith; support the spiritual needs of our congregation, and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through community outreach.
Plan Your Wedding
What better place to start than the historic Village Chapel. Capture the charm of times past within the picturesque Village of Pinehurst. Choose The Village Chapel to host one of the most memorable events of your life… your wedding day!